The Daily Lives of Steve and Brenda trying to make a living through self-employment. The "Smelly Gourmet" is the name of our retail store in historic Metamora, Indiana. "Smelly" because of the fragrant home air freshener products we make, "Gourmet" because of the gourmet coffee we serve in our Cappuccino/Espresso Bar in the rear of the store.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Head Stinker Rules!
"Beware of the Head Stinker" very cute!
In reality, one shoule follow that logic. As the Head Stinker I rule. Yes, no mater what you think I am always the ruler of this smelly kingdom.
Today as we drove to work it was snowing. The snowflakes were the size of pancakes! Yes, it was like driving through a giant pancake storm. Now Steve will say I exzagerate a little but those snowflakes really were the size of pancakes.
Once again I wooped your butt in Acy Ducey. Why you ask? Because I am the Head Stinker and I rule!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
The "Smelly" Way
I've realized two things about running a business with my hubby as my partner.
1. My work is making all the money!
2. Hubby's work is thinking and thinking and napping (HA)
So, this morning on the way to the store I say "I've got two more boxed to pack this morning and then we can ship them". His response is "so they will be ready to ship tomorrow afternoon?"
It's funny how he thinks I spend all my time doddling when in reality it is the other way around. I'm trying to help him though. Give him priorities so he don't get sidetracked. It's really hard keeping him in line.
One of these nights while he is sleeping I'm going to shave that beard off so he can't twist it anymore! I'm looking over at him now and that is what he is doing. Twist, twist, twist!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The Choice

The choice this morning, for priorities as to what I need to do once we get to work, is either to finish trying to figure out what we did with cash in our accounting system last year, or continue with inventorying stuff in the store. Whew, some choice, huh?
What about all the creative stuff I wanna do? Producing magnets, working on new post card designs, soldering stained glass pieces into parts for new lamps, building wood boxes for more computer clocks... you know, the really cool stuff?
I hate winter time, even though this is a really warm winter - it means PAPERWORK! Brenda gets somewhat of a reprieve because she is making stuff that people have already paid for and we've got to get it out the door (the internet is wonderful- no customers need visit Metamora for us to have sales of her stuff).
So I guess I'll quit whining and :) get another cup of coffee and get busy!